Saturday 19 March 2016

K+S annual report 2015

K+S, annual, 2015, front page

My only mining company arrived with their full year report for 2015 and the report as such for 2015 was good but the outlook for 2016 was not encouraging. Additionally K+S will be kicked out of DAX and if I am not mistaken it will take place sometime now in March.

For the report in full please click here and for the previous summary regarding this company with their incompetent trading department please go to K+S report Q3 2015 and to find out more about them then please click on analysis of K+S 2015 (a new one will appear soon).

As can be seen in the financial report below the year was pretty good. In the last ten years they have only had a higher revenue twice and last year it was up at almost 4.2 billion €. The incompetent department working with the hedging lost us additionally almost 30 million € so the total became -128 million €. Well done guys! So what could have been a truly excellent year became fairly flat to last year with 495 million € in earnings or 2.59 € per share. They decided to offer 1.15 € in dividend for 2015.

K+S, 2015, financial statement

Conclusion: The year for K+S was good. The outlook for next year was not very good and there will be the final major costs for the Legacy project before they will be able start the production as they want. I will remain shareholder in K+S.

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