Sunday 11 January 2015

Shuffle of companies in Google docs

Shuffle, Companies, lists

As I have mentioned before there are companies that I have excluded from the Stocks of Interest list due to me simply feeling uncomfortable of adding them there. I have now decided to change this and I have moved all the companies from the big list that are either in green colour or yellow to the stocks of interest list.

This then also means that several of the companies will have older analytical data and those that were analysed back in 2013 will be once again looked at to see if they have a right to remain on the Stocks of Interest list or if they will be kicked back to the big list.

So for the next one to one and a half month I expect the Stocks of Interest list to be slightly crowded and if it, after all the fresh new analysis, will still be crowded then I will change the boarders for being on the list.

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